Beautiful Darkness: A Review

(I am running out of ideas so eXCUSE ME and I apologize for my lack of creativity)

Beware of spoilers! Although, [since my review for The Catastrophic History of You and Me] I've been trying my best to lessen the spoilers I throw out, it still is inevitable. But yeah, I really am trying my best. Just proceed with a little caution.

What do you think is under the title?
  • I'm pretty sure the tile has something to do with the Dark Fire and Lena's Seventeenth Moon.
Summarize the story in your own words:
  • Beautiful Darkness is the sequel to Beautiful Creatures (which I have reviewed before). In this one, Ethan and Lena's relationship continues (?) whilst Lena struggles on the consequences and pain of Macon's death. 
  • As usual, there are yet new secrets and mysteries waiting to unfold as Ethan's adventure through the Tunnels leads him to a place that doesn't exist and hopefully, make him find his way back to Lena.
  • Plus, the coming of her Seventeenth Moon.
  • (I swear I suck, I'm so sorry.)
In general: (didn't like it, okay, liked it, loved it)
  • It was nice. I liked it.
  • The complication of it all. Although I think the story paces from the characters being extremely oblivious at one second and know-it-all's the next without actually doing anything. Add up the fact that I don't get the ending/the After part. Though as usual, I love the plot twists. Even though some of them were kind of predictable and I had thought of it myself beforehand. It's nice to feel that feeling when you predicted something and it happened and you'll just be all "sHIT I WAS SO RIGHT!!". Doesn't that make you feel proud of yourself? c: Yeah, the plot twists. Somehow predictable, but I still love all of it.
Favorite scene:
  • That scene where Ethan went to Ravenwood Manor one time and found Lena hanging out on the ceiling. (I know it wasn't a good sign for anything, but I found that scene a little funny.)
    Least favorite scene:
    • The Exile. (That whole chap. or was it named Vex?)
    One quote you liked:
    “The stars look like they're so close, you could reach out and touch them. But you can't. Sometimes things look a lot closer than they are.”
    Make a three to five song playlist for the novel:
      Rate it by stars/rubber ducks:

      Would you recommend it?
      • If you've read the first book and liked it enough to carry on, go on! :-)
      Last words:
      • I really find Sarafine a stupid character.
      • Like, I don't know she's supposed to be a villain and all, but I just laugh whenever she apears.
      • So yeah, I'm gonna have to stick to ebooks again. :(
      P.S. Also if you're nice enough to put comments under my posts, pleaase please please send me some artists/bands/singers you could recommend I listen to? I'm kind of stuck on All Time Low. For a week. (And by that I mean I literally just listen to every album All Time Low has. Every single time I get the chance to. For a whole week.) So yeah, I really need suggestions/recommendation so I could move on.

      'Til next time.


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