LET US TALK ABOUT: Reading Challenges

This post that you are currently reading is not at all planned. I've told you I'm one to make a lot of decisions on impulse.

So. I've been strolling through a lot of book blogs and reading on reviews when the thought of it came to mind. I am in two reading challenges this year: (1) goodreads' 2014 reading chanllenge, and (2) Fiction Fare & Swoony Boys Podcast's 2014 "Real" book challenge. To both of which I am failing miserably.

And so it brings me to the idea of talking about reading challenges. I've watched several booktubers and read book blogs about their input on the matter and well, not everyone is in favor of it. But from what I have gathered, most disapprove/aren't very fond of it.

My take? I like reading challenges because they [well, obviously] challenge and dare me to read more than I think I can and encourage me to find more books and authors I can keep my eyes on for updates. Although obviously, at the moment, I am struggling to keep up due to a lot of academic things and household responsibilities, it makes me feel the need to give some time for my reading. (and despite the pressure, I actually like being able to get a reason why I should be reading instead of just lounging around and watching television shows and movies I have no muse for.)

What about you? What are your thoughts on reading challenges? (Share your thoughts! Don't be shy, I don't bite.)

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